Ugh! I am disappointed with myself. It has been so hard to blog and keep updated. Is anyone else struggling with this commitment even though they really want to do this with a new baby and all?
Julian has his two bottom middle teeth. They are so sharp!
At 6 months he is absolutely amazing. I never knew that an infant could have such a personality. He does not stay still anymore. He needs to move, roll over and squirm all over the place. If only I had that kind of energy....
Our typical day goes as such:
Julian wakes up at 7 and I try to get him back to sleep either by putting him in the stroller on the balcony or it used to be the swing but he is growing out of it.
-He has a bottle at 8 30 and then we play.
-Naps from 9 30 till 10 30 or sometimes later. I either go back to sleep or have breakfast.
-Play some more, I get ready for the day and see if the weather is ok to go out.
-12 30 Julian eats some fruits or veggies with baby cereal, it is entertaining and hilarious every single time. He opens his mouth wide enough to fit a football field even before he swallows his last spoonful.
-We go to Central Park along with the doggie Sasha or I just walk down the avenues and explore our new surroundings.
-4 30: Feeding again
-Julian plays and naps and I make some food or veg out in exhaustion.
-6 30: Yuriy comes home from work and we eat and then either go to the gym while the grandparents watch Julian.
-8 30: Bottle and bed time
-Some time to ourselves and getting to bed too late
Then all over again!
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