Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, April 17, 2009


I want to sleep, the kind of sleep where your are just knocked out for endless hours and wake up not caring what time it is and you are just beautifully amazingly rested.
There hasn't been normal sleep since the end of my second trimester, thats a long time folks. If you have trouble waking up in the morning or the type that doesn't hear your alarm clock, set that alarm to a screaming baby, you'll jump up in a sec (unless your an exhausted parent at which point you will snicker in your bed and make deals with whatever dude in the sky for just a few more minutes of silence and sweet sweet sleep)

Once evening rolls around I've been getting the feeling like back in your middle school days on a Sunday night, or after a vacation and you need to go back to school. There is this anxiety and the sense that time is ticking fast and you are getting closer to having to get up in the morning and go to school...

I've been getting the feeling less frequent in the past few days but it sucks! I'm ranting a bit now but its 1:40 and Julian is starting to fall asleep and Im up and have to be back up in a few hours. Tomorrow we are finishing planning our mini road trip to the Carolinas. Julian will be staying the my mom and we are going to take a little trip to try to feel human again. I'm already starting to miss the smurfling.

We just had a smiling marathon and let me tell ya, catching those smiles on camera is a bit of a challenge. I noticed that when the camera is in front of my face and he can't see me he wont smile much no matter how much im googlin at him. But if you start to massage him, then the toothless laughs come.

Road trip will hopefully be from Saturday to Thursday and involve hang gliding in sand dunes, hiking, boating and lots of beautiful scenery. I miss nature so much in this endless winter of NY.

Mmmm, ssllleeeeeeppp

1 comment:

Baby Love said...

I find your comments to be very true and funny. I don't think I've gotten a sound night's sleep since before I was pregnant with Christopher, and that was over two years ago. Angela wakes up during the night saying "mamamamamama" so of course I can't ignore her...

I am so happy that you are going on a trip together. I wish that we could do the same. We have our wedding anniversary on Sunday, but we are not going anywhere.

hee hee :)