Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Asking for your support in the Race Against Blood Cancers
Dear Friends and Family,
This year I have decided to challenge myself in a new way while helping support an organization which I am passionate about. I am raising funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) as a participant in their Team In Training program for the Joe Kleinerman 10K race and I'm asking you to help by making a donation to my fundraising campaign.
Each donation helps accelerate finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. More than 823,000 Americans are battling these blood cancers. I am hoping that my participation in Team In Training will help bring them hope and support. In order for me to run the 10K I need to raise a minimum of $500 by Dec. 1st but I know that with your generosity we can go way beyond that and make a difference together!
Please use the link in this email to donate online quickly and securely plus learn more about my progress. You will receive a confirmation of your donation by email and I will be notified as soon as you make your donation.
On behalf of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, thank you very much for your support. I greatly appreciate your generosity.
Thank you,
Eleonora Lupyan-Ryvkind
P.S. I would appreciate it if you would forward this email to as many people as you can to encourage them to donate as well. Employers often match their employees' donations even though they do not always publicly anoounce this. Do not hesistate to ask them! Thanks again.
This year I have decided to challenge myself in a new way while helping support an organization which I am passionate about. I am raising funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) as a participant in their Team In Training program for the Joe Kleinerman 10K race and I'm asking you to help by making a donation to my fundraising campaign.
Each donation helps accelerate finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. More than 823,000 Americans are battling these blood cancers. I am hoping that my participation in Team In Training will help bring them hope and support. In order for me to run the 10K I need to raise a minimum of $500 by Dec. 1st but I know that with your generosity we can go way beyond that and make a difference together!
Please use the link in this email to donate online quickly and securely plus learn more about my progress. You will receive a confirmation of your donation by email and I will be notified as soon as you make your donation.
On behalf of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, thank you very much for your support. I greatly appreciate your generosity.
Thank you,
Eleonora Lupyan-Ryvkind
P.S. I would appreciate it if you would forward this email to as many people as you can to encourage them to donate as well. Employers often match their employees' donations even though they do not always publicly anoounce this. Do not hesistate to ask them! Thanks again.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Julian at Ikea
Julian had his first adventure in a store yesterday. We took him to Lowes and Ikea, where else would we go? Ikea has become a second home you see...
Anyway, we are at our Swedish home of wood and cinnabuns and he LOVES it. He was so wonderful just hanging out on his Papa Kangaroo (that would be Yuriy with the Baby Bjorn on). He wanted to touch everything, he was amazed with all the bright colors and lights. He went on an escalator for the first time. I had a very hard time focusing on what we needed to get cause I was grabbing the camera every few minutes shouting things such as "Ohhh Julian's first elevator ride!!" and "Look at that big boy in the shopping cart!!".
After Papa Kangaroo's back was killing him and he handed me that heavy bundle of thigh rolls, I stuck the chubster in a cart I found. He was so happy, just holding on to the handle. I then raced him in the shopping cart like a juvenile delinquent in Walmart. We zoomed by in the warehouse and he was cracking up like crazy. When he laughs, China could hear. Its amazing and it makes you cackle like a crazy person as well.
All in all, a very successful and fun outing.
Photos to come.
Anyway, we are at our Swedish home of wood and cinnabuns and he LOVES it. He was so wonderful just hanging out on his Papa Kangaroo (that would be Yuriy with the Baby Bjorn on). He wanted to touch everything, he was amazed with all the bright colors and lights. He went on an escalator for the first time. I had a very hard time focusing on what we needed to get cause I was grabbing the camera every few minutes shouting things such as "Ohhh Julian's first elevator ride!!" and "Look at that big boy in the shopping cart!!".
After Papa Kangaroo's back was killing him and he handed me that heavy bundle of thigh rolls, I stuck the chubster in a cart I found. He was so happy, just holding on to the handle. I then raced him in the shopping cart like a juvenile delinquent in Walmart. We zoomed by in the warehouse and he was cracking up like crazy. When he laughs, China could hear. Its amazing and it makes you cackle like a crazy person as well.
All in all, a very successful and fun outing.
Photos to come.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Julian at 6 months

Ugh! I am disappointed with myself. It has been so hard to blog and keep updated. Is anyone else struggling with this commitment even though they really want to do this with a new baby and all?
Julian has his two bottom middle teeth. They are so sharp!
At 6 months he is absolutely amazing. I never knew that an infant could have such a personality. He does not stay still anymore. He needs to move, roll over and squirm all over the place. If only I had that kind of energy....
Our typical day goes as such:
Julian wakes up at 7 and I try to get him back to sleep either by putting him in the stroller on the balcony or it used to be the swing but he is growing out of it.
-He has a bottle at 8 30 and then we play.
-Naps from 9 30 till 10 30 or sometimes later. I either go back to sleep or have breakfast.
-Play some more, I get ready for the day and see if the weather is ok to go out.
-12 30 Julian eats some fruits or veggies with baby cereal, it is entertaining and hilarious every single time. He opens his mouth wide enough to fit a football field even before he swallows his last spoonful.
-We go to Central Park along with the doggie Sasha or I just walk down the avenues and explore our new surroundings.
-4 30: Feeding again
-Julian plays and naps and I make some food or veg out in exhaustion.
-6 30: Yuriy comes home from work and we eat and then either go to the gym while the grandparents watch Julian.
-8 30: Bottle and bed time
-Some time to ourselves and getting to bed too late
Then all over again!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
I want to sleep, the kind of sleep where your are just knocked out for endless hours and wake up not caring what time it is and you are just beautifully amazingly rested.
There hasn't been normal sleep since the end of my second trimester, thats a long time folks. If you have trouble waking up in the morning or the type that doesn't hear your alarm clock, set that alarm to a screaming baby, you'll jump up in a sec (unless your an exhausted parent at which point you will snicker in your bed and make deals with whatever dude in the sky for just a few more minutes of silence and sweet sweet sleep)
Once evening rolls around I've been getting the feeling like back in your middle school days on a Sunday night, or after a vacation and you need to go back to school. There is this anxiety and the sense that time is ticking fast and you are getting closer to having to get up in the morning and go to school...
I've been getting the feeling less frequent in the past few days but it sucks! I'm ranting a bit now but its 1:40 and Julian is starting to fall asleep and Im up and have to be back up in a few hours. Tomorrow we are finishing planning our mini road trip to the Carolinas. Julian will be staying the my mom and we are going to take a little trip to try to feel human again. I'm already starting to miss the smurfling.
We just had a smiling marathon and let me tell ya, catching those smiles on camera is a bit of a challenge. I noticed that when the camera is in front of my face and he can't see me he wont smile much no matter how much im googlin at him. But if you start to massage him, then the toothless laughs come.
Road trip will hopefully be from Saturday to Thursday and involve hang gliding in sand dunes, hiking, boating and lots of beautiful scenery. I miss nature so much in this endless winter of NY.
Mmmm, ssllleeeeeeppp
There hasn't been normal sleep since the end of my second trimester, thats a long time folks. If you have trouble waking up in the morning or the type that doesn't hear your alarm clock, set that alarm to a screaming baby, you'll jump up in a sec (unless your an exhausted parent at which point you will snicker in your bed and make deals with whatever dude in the sky for just a few more minutes of silence and sweet sweet sleep)
Once evening rolls around I've been getting the feeling like back in your middle school days on a Sunday night, or after a vacation and you need to go back to school. There is this anxiety and the sense that time is ticking fast and you are getting closer to having to get up in the morning and go to school...
I've been getting the feeling less frequent in the past few days but it sucks! I'm ranting a bit now but its 1:40 and Julian is starting to fall asleep and Im up and have to be back up in a few hours. Tomorrow we are finishing planning our mini road trip to the Carolinas. Julian will be staying the my mom and we are going to take a little trip to try to feel human again. I'm already starting to miss the smurfling.
We just had a smiling marathon and let me tell ya, catching those smiles on camera is a bit of a challenge. I noticed that when the camera is in front of my face and he can't see me he wont smile much no matter how much im googlin at him. But if you start to massage him, then the toothless laughs come.
Road trip will hopefully be from Saturday to Thursday and involve hang gliding in sand dunes, hiking, boating and lots of beautiful scenery. I miss nature so much in this endless winter of NY.
Mmmm, ssllleeeeeeppp
Thursday, April 9, 2009
After reading my previous entry the hubby mentioned that it was very deep, not the manner in which I usually speak. I reminded him that I don't always write exactly as I speak and hey, the experience of life with Julian is worthy of a few deeper moments. However, I think I will resume my previous tone of amusing sarcasm, it seem to suit us all better.
Yuriy & I are planning a mini road trip to the Carolinas. I am in dire need of a change of atmosphere and since I cannot do my previous "I'm off to....[fill in the blank with an amazing place that is full of eye opening experiences and delicious moments of solitude and contemplation]", a few days on the road with Yuriy discovering what the States have to offer (while using up our remaining miles on the leased car and taking advantage of cheaper gas) is hopefully a good and more feasible alternative.
The steak is waiting to be tended to now, must do the dinner thing.
Yuriy & I are planning a mini road trip to the Carolinas. I am in dire need of a change of atmosphere and since I cannot do my previous "I'm off to....[fill in the blank with an amazing place that is full of eye opening experiences and delicious moments of solitude and contemplation]", a few days on the road with Yuriy discovering what the States have to offer (while using up our remaining miles on the leased car and taking advantage of cheaper gas) is hopefully a good and more feasible alternative.
The steak is waiting to be tended to now, must do the dinner thing.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
2009.04.08 12:30am
Hello Hellooooooo! Is there anyone out there?
Oh my blog! I have returned to the computer world today and even discovered a new thingie majig called tumblr which enables easier ways of posting. I'm giving it a shot since I will take up anything that will make my life easier at this point. Being able to have time to shower and get dressed in something that is not sliding half off my body and covering at least half of these unspeakably enormous milk producers which is productivity to the utmost repect, updating photos and managing to merge my blogs to update simultaneously is what I consider a very productive day.
Since I've entered mommyhood, I really want to keep up to date with photos, keepsakes and written updates. Unfortunately my desire is greater than my actual ability. These things have all but become another To-Do on my list which don't seem to get crossed off.
So here is a preview of the writings to be published soon:
-Julians Birth Story (Finally!)
-A List: (you know how much I like those!)Memorable Moments from arrival to departure in Lenox Hill Hospital.
-From Hospital to Home: As Reality Sinks In
-The Next Few Weeks: As Reality REALLY Begins to Sink In
- Another list, yippee: The Most Memorable(so far) Moments of Life With Julian
-Pumping and Breastfeeding: My Ups, my downs and my inability to merge my conflicting feelings of this arduous full time job.
-My Freedom: The mourning of its loss and the new deep appreciation for time for myself, my friends and my husband.
Not much has been able to get done without a list these days so seeing these posts in need of completion in writing is helpful. For now I can tell you a few things:
The last seven weeks seem like an eternity where life did not exist before Julian while at the same time all taking place in half a blinks time.
There were sweet moments of high energy and mesmerizing bliss from which I would sink deep into the depths of my new family's love.
There were moments where my new life seems like a big gray blur of timelessness and cyclical hectic monotony. These time usually follow feelings of confinement, mourn, guilt, and desire to temporarily crawl out of my skin.
Motherhood makes all your feelings run deeper. There are ups and downs that are higher and lower than anything felt before. The deepness of the love never seeped to the core so consumingly and the lows never felt more threatening.
Currently, time stands still in a race against itself. My abilities as a new person, a new Mother, are trying to keep up with the speed of light development of Julian.
Since I've entered mommyhood, I really want to keep up to date with photos, keepsakes and written updates. Unfortunately my desire is greater than my actual ability. These things have all but become another To-Do on my list which don't seem to get crossed off.
So here is a preview of the writings to be published soon:
-Julians Birth Story (Finally!)
-A List: (you know how much I like those!)Memorable Moments from arrival to departure in Lenox Hill Hospital.
-From Hospital to Home: As Reality Sinks In
-The Next Few Weeks: As Reality REALLY Begins to Sink In
- Another list, yippee: The Most Memorable(so far) Moments of Life With Julian
-Pumping and Breastfeeding: My Ups, my downs and my inability to merge my conflicting feelings of this arduous full time job.
-My Freedom: The mourning of its loss and the new deep appreciation for time for myself, my friends and my husband.
Not much has been able to get done without a list these days so seeing these posts in need of completion in writing is helpful. For now I can tell you a few things:
The last seven weeks seem like an eternity where life did not exist before Julian while at the same time all taking place in half a blinks time.
There were sweet moments of high energy and mesmerizing bliss from which I would sink deep into the depths of my new family's love.
There were moments where my new life seems like a big gray blur of timelessness and cyclical hectic monotony. These time usually follow feelings of confinement, mourn, guilt, and desire to temporarily crawl out of my skin.
Motherhood makes all your feelings run deeper. There are ups and downs that are higher and lower than anything felt before. The deepness of the love never seeped to the core so consumingly and the lows never felt more threatening.
Currently, time stands still in a race against itself. My abilities as a new person, a new Mother, are trying to keep up with the speed of light development of Julian.
Monday, March 2, 2009
A Plea
Time: Please slow down, just give me a little more, a little more time to savor these moments, to record them, to embed them in my heart and memory forever. I have asked you to speed up a few times before so look at this as balancing that out. It has been 17 days since Julian was born and I am yet to record those first moments and days and weeks in words. There are no days, there are merely times between feedings, so you TIME do not really exist you see. So you might as well just slow down so I can stretch out these fleeting times for just a tad longer.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Julian you are here!

February 14th, Valentines Day 2009. 5:15 PM, 8 pounds 12 ounces and 22 inches long.
So so much to say, to share, to record and so little time. I am overjoyed, amazed, in awe, in disbelief that something so amazing was living and forming inside of me. That I carried him inside and now I can hold him on the outside. Every part of him is perfect, every cuticle and eyelash. He is complete perfection. I really feel that the labor and delivery was perfect and I am so happy with the entire experience.
I am touched by the amazingly overwhelming excitement and warmth we are receiving from everyone around and I so wish I can personally tell every person every detail about these last days-from the beginning of labor to now. I ask to be patient with us and for everyone to know that we are carrying their warmth in our hearts throughout these first exciting yet somewhat challenging and transitioning days.
Julian is currently sleeping on the excercaucer type thing. He was so alert and playful so we wanted to do some tummy time but by the time we set it up and put him down he zonked out and could care less about all the toys dangling above him. Yuriy had him grab onto one of the toys and he was sleeping for over an hour with his hand hanging above and holding onto the toy.
We have endless photos that we are in the process of getting all together to post up. BUT we realized that we hardly have any of the three of us together.
Yuriy is so amazing with Julian. It puts me in this complete little heaven of mine to see them together, it is a feeling like no other. I have no words for so many of the feelings I have these days...
This has been a quick rant and a more coherent and detailed account of the labor and all other juicy details is to come next time I get a few moments.
Julian: Now I know why people keep on having babies and why women go through almost 10 months of pain and retardedness. You are everything.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
You're almost here and I am...
Tired. Excited. Sleep deprived. Guilty. Joyful. Overwhelmed. In love. Embarrassed. Uncomfortable.In pain. In awe. Immobile. Big. Thoughtful. Blissful.Withdrawn. Dark. Happy. Big. Mournful. Beautiful. Tongue Tied. Scatter Brained. Real. Emotional. Big. Touched. Attractive. Scatter brained. Sappy. Antsy. Confused. Sexual. Old. Candid. Silly. Amazed. Inspired. No Energy. De- sexualized. Ugly. Young. Sluggish. Reminiscent. Retarded. Cloudy. Contextualized. Open.Yearning. Big. Rushed. Anxious. Flushed. Sweaty. Incoherent. Private. Amazed. Weary. Disorganized. Bored. Wise. Cold. Obsessed. Dreamlike. Closed. Sentimental. Ready. Restless. Sad. Big. Funny. Sensitive. Numb. Busybody. Boring. Calm. Eager. Impatient. Not ready. Willing. Fervent. Enthusiastic. Whole hearted. Scared. Truthful.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
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